Get The Right Mindset To Achieve Your Dreams!
I'm sure at this point you want to dive right into the secrets of how you can get a big butt. I can give you the most effective exercise plan, and an easy to follow meal plan... I can even show up at your door step everyday dragging you out to the gym but the true battle starts before you even get out of bed. The hardest war you'll fight, is the one with yourself!
Most of the articles you find on the internet about how to get a bigger butt are full of basic exercises, they don't talk about the weights you use, the frequency, the food you should eat and most importantly they don't talk about having the right attitude to put all of those things into practice!
The reason why people fail is not because they weren't smart enough or strong enough (at least not physically), it's because they gave up, they allowed their excuses to become bigger than their dreams. How sad is that? Think about all of the talented people you know in your life; your friend who sings amazingly well or a family member who is super intelligent but works at a dead end job. Think about how they allowed their excuses to become bigger than their dreams. Clearly, they're talented, they wouldn't have come to mind if they weren't. What kept them from being great? Themselves. The people in life who have succeeded, succeeded because they were crazy enough to think they could. They had the determination to follow through, every step of the way. In order to get what you want, you have to get a little crazy. Find that place within yourself where the pain doesn't reach you, and the doubt and insecurities can't find you.
When I first started my journey to get a bigger butt, I was full of excuses. My first excuse was that I didn't want to weight train. I was afraid that heavy weights would make me bulky and masculine looking. I was so wrong. Once I educated myself about the female anatomy I realized there was no way I would turn into a knuckle-dragging meat head by lifting a couple weights, quite the opposite actually! I started lifting weights 1-2 times a week and I never felt more feminine and looked more curvier! (You should never work one muscle group, in this care you butt in an intense workout more than 2 times a week, MAX! I'll tell you the details why in a later chapter).
Like most people, when I started lifting weights, I just went with the motions. I didn't realize it at the time but I was afraid to push myself. To feel true pain. I always stopped the work out before I actually felt an intense burn. When I felt the burn the next day, I thought I had accomplished something but that burn was just due to improper diet and poor post work out stretching. The TRUTH is, if you are feeling a burn the next day after a work out, you exercised incorrectly! It's a sign that you used poor form, put too much stress on your body or did not consume the right proteins and minerals after the work out. Yes, you should feel a light burn but if you're bed ridden or immobile, you need to slow down or change what you're doing, I'll talk all about the proper pacing of exercises in Chapter 6 (This is crucial, too many people over work out and under work out).
Once I learned the value of proper exercise form and pacing I hit the gym consistently and met some amazing people, one, a fitness trainer who offered to help improve my work out. They pushed my routine to a whole new level! They gave me so many inside tips and tricks that really made a difference. It was with them that I realized how afraid I was to push myself, too afraid to feel pain. They helped pushed me outside of my comfort zone and once there, I realized it wasn't such a scary place to be after all. Pain is such a temporary thing and once passed it, the sense of accomplishment and pride you have for yourself from having pushed through such a stressful experience is mind blowing! The truth is, in order to see a difference in your body you have to embrace change and the price of change, is PAIN.
That was the biggest lesson I learned. I needed to push myself past what I was used to. Past the pain. To push myself in the weight room to really see results, to finally get a bigger butt. Each exercise, I squeezed my butt a little harder, held a little longer and when I started to feel the burn, I kept going. When I started to lose my grip on the weights because my hands were in a pool of sweat, I kept going. When my legs started to shake and my mind screamed for me to stop, I kept going. A weak mind will always give up before your body does.
Once I learned the value of proper exercise form and pacing I hit the gym consistently and met some amazing people, one, a fitness trainer who offered to help improve my work out. They pushed my routine to a whole new level! They gave me so many inside tips and tricks that really made a difference. It was with them that I realized how afraid I was to push myself, too afraid to feel pain. They helped pushed me outside of my comfort zone and once there, I realized it wasn't such a scary place to be after all. Pain is such a temporary thing and once passed it, the sense of accomplishment and pride you have for yourself from having pushed through such a stressful experience is mind blowing! The truth is, in order to see a difference in your body you have to embrace change and the price of change, is PAIN.
That was the biggest lesson I learned. I needed to push myself past what I was used to. Past the pain. To push myself in the weight room to really see results, to finally get a bigger butt. Each exercise, I squeezed my butt a little harder, held a little longer and when I started to feel the burn, I kept going. When I started to lose my grip on the weights because my hands were in a pool of sweat, I kept going. When my legs started to shake and my mind screamed for me to stop, I kept going. A weak mind will always give up before your body does.
I found that I was able to push my body past the limits I thought it was capable of before by challenging myself to do more. When my mind screamed 'Last one', I yelled back 'Three more!'. It was those last three that made the difference. It was those last three that gave me the results, all the ones before were just stepping stones to break through the threshold, once through, what I did there was what really made the difference. In life, always scream 'Three more!'
Through out your fitness journey, different excuses will find your way into your thought process
"I have poor genetics!" - No, you have poor family habits. I will not deny that there are medical concerns that can impede your progress but that is usually not the case! It is the habits that you have learned through your family, your daily activities, the way you eat and the way you move your body that are the reasons your body looks the way it does. 'No one in my family has a big butt', does anyone in your family work out their butt? Do they sit around? Did you know sitting for very long periods of time can cause atrophy or weakening of your glutes, making you have a weak flaccid butt? Think about the bad habits you've learned through your family and start working on ways to overcome them!
"I don't have time!" - A one hour exercise is only 4% of your day (Closer to 4.17 if you want to nit pick!) Think about all the other things you waste 4% of your day on... television programs, gossiping, internet stalking... and think about the benefits these things have had on your life. No one ever regrets working out. No one ever goes for a run and says "Hey, there goes 30 minutes of my life I'll never get back!". But people do regret the wasted hours they have spent in front of a television, computer or room full of people they don't even truly like or trust. Time is the most expensive thing you own, spend it wisely.
"It's too much work!" - Anything great in life is! When the going get's tough, activate your pleasure zone. Laugh out loud for no reason, shout something crazy 'SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS!', laugh again! Think about your goal, your vision. Imagine it as if it were real. Imagine yourself with the body you want. Imagine the clothes you'll finally be able to wear. The bathing suits you'll finally rock. Imagine finally getting attention from that one person you've always had your eye on. Do this while exercising. Do this when you start to doubt yourself. As soon as the thought 'I should go exercise' comes to mind, drop everything and go and do it! I challenge you to be greater than you are, I challenge you to be unforgettable!